BRANT, Henry Galaxy II (first European perf.), Signs & Alarms (first European perf.)
COPLAND, Aaron Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid, Music for the Theatre
DEBUSSY, Claude Nuages & Fetes
DIAMOND, David Rounds for String Orchestra
DLUGOSZEWSKI, Lucia Angels of the Inmost Heaven
EARLS, Paul Mozart and Cosmology WP
HEADRICK, Sam The New Kid  WP
HOFFER, Bernard A Boston Cinderella WP, Ma Goose WP, The Three Little Pigs  WP
HOVDA, Eleanor Ariadnemusic WP
LOEVENDIE, Theo 6 Turkish Folk Poems (first US perf.)
MCKINLEY, William Thomas Paintings VI WP
MORAN, Robert Point of Departure WP
MOZART, W.A. Requiem
REICH, Steve Music for 18 Musicians
TAKEMITSU, Toru The Dorian Horizon
TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I. Sleeping Beauty
VANGELIS Frankenstein

WP = World Premiere Updated: July, 29, 2013

Copyright © 2004 Richard Pittman.   All rights reserved.